Monday, July 14, 2008

It's getting hot out here

Fourth of July weekend I ran on my own as I was in Gig Harbor. I was supposed to run 10 miles, however the route I chose, I only ran 6 miles, but the majority of it were on hills. My calves were sore when I got back to my mom's, and it was hot!

This past Saturday I ran for 70 minutes, and it was about 78 degrees. We ran for time instead of distance.

Then the last few feet to the end, we were cheered in by the was really emotional to see all the team honorees who had their stories of blood born cancers lined along the path.

We listened to stories of those who have survived or a loved one has survived, and they gave many thanks to the LLS for the education and funds given while fighting the cancer. It was really touching to hear one woman's story of her son who was diagnosed with Lyphoma 15 years ago, and that he is still alive today because of the improved research over the years through LLS.

Saturday was another day to remind me, how important it is for me to improve my health by running, and work hard to raise money for those who are in need of the funds that LLS can provide.

I am only 2 months and 2 weeks away from the big day. Every day counts, and all of your support does too!

It would be great if you could sponsor me on this adventure, even if it's only a few dollars! Every penny counts...really!


Sunday, June 29, 2008

I did it!

Wow, 9 miles on Saturday...the weather was going to be hot, so we started our run at 7:30am. We ran along the Esplanade in Portland, it was the perfect temperature and a light breeze...then when we hit the other side of the river, the wind stopped, and it was just the blazing sun.
It's amazing how the time just goes when you are not looking at the watch. It was amazing when we got to our first stop to refuel, that we had already covered 4 miles. Although it takes me some time to run the distance, I still am quite amazed that I am doing this. I have a team that I run with, we are known as Team Molasses! None of us have really ever been known as runners, but we are taking on the challenge together.
We ran up a few hills yesterday, and somewhat "chugged" up, it was a slow process, but we knew that we got to come down at some point, so we just had to take it one step at a time.
Each and every step is another step closer to the end...I keep the people in mind who don't have the ability to walk or run, and thank God for the strentgh he has given me to take on this challenge.
The miles will continue to increase, and before I know it, October 5th will be here.
Thank you again for all the support, and please do let me know if there is someone you would like for me to add to my list of honorees or someone to run in memory of.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The miles are incresing

Quick update, I ran 5 miles last weekend, and then 9 miles this Saturday. Woo Hoo!

More to follow!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Miles are increasing

Wow, I can't believe I ran 6 miles 2 weeks ago. The farthest I had ever ran, before starting Team in Training, was 3 miles. Now, already a month into training, I am at 6.
I have only 20.2 more miles to train for...Time is ticking, and so is my heart!

It all began in April, when I got a flyer in the mail to attend the Team in Training info meeting at Nike. I thought to myself "Am I crazy?" And the answer was "Yes, and I am going to do this for a great cause!" Plus I also thought that it would be a good way to get myself in shape, and meet new people!
I am running this race in memory of two special people, Angel Bowman, and Judy Dees. They both will be near and dear to my heart this entire training period and on race day! They bring me inspriation!
So, my first run was on May 17th, and it was 3 miles. I met my mentor, Shawna, and decided to make her my running buddy for the first run. She was awesome, and encouraged me pretty much the whole way. I finished the 3 miles, and felt awesome! I have to think it was the spin classes I have been going to the last 8 months that has built my endurance.
Each week I have increased my mileage, and the week I ran 6 I managed to experience a pain in my foot I had not experienced before. I already have been working with a chiropractor and massage therepist to tackle the pain, and so last week I ran 5 miles, instead of the 7 to not over-do it!
I am excited for my adventures to come, and d-day, October 5th, 2008!
If you would like to donate, here is the link to do so. And if you have someone you would like to add to my list of honorees or run in memory of, I will add to my shirt.
Stay tuned for updates...